Click here for the full article in FutureProof #2: Embracing Agile Strategy Development

By Betteke van Ruler and Frank Körver, Published in: FuturePRoof TWO, 09/2016

This article is a preview of THE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY HANDBOOK published by Peter Lang Publishers, New York Q2 2019

Some quotes:

“The Communication Strategy Prism (Framework) facilitates the communication professional to forcefully and efficiently make the right choices and it provides a clear picture of the communication strategy in one page.”

“Linear communication models are ineffective but remain widely used by public relations practitioners. Agile strategy development can revolutionise the comms function and strengthen the relationship with the management team.”

“The Communication Strategy Prism (Framework) is basically a balancing act of a realistic but limited set of questions and challenging answers that, when executed conscientiously, delivers a comprehensive but nevertheless crystal clear strategy at a glance (a one-pager).”